gahh, uber stressed up these few days.
tests, tests and more tests.
geography test was postphoned as mrs lathika was not around.
had english situational writing and literature test.
english situational was lame, i kept asking mr eng this and that.
we're wedding planners and supposed to plan weddings for couples.
chey, want plan also plan my own one mah! ;xx
literature was superb.
first time in history, right, left, sister and i did it,... and succeeded!
*you know what i'm talking, bodoh*
played mini tennis during pe today.
gawd, i told you am not talented in tennis, mini somemore k.
smacked the ball like rag doll and sent it flying faraway.
and dbsk's new album, mirrotic is tsk tsk tsk...
too good to be, junsu is hot hot hot! ;x