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'When life gives you lemon, make orange juice out of it. Then, sit back and let the world wonder how you did it.'
Friday, November 14, 2008,10:54 PM
HAPPY SEVENTH MONTH, CRUSHHHH! <333 crush reminded me, awww, time passed so fasttttttttt. but i like it! :D
talked on the phone for very long ytd's night. caught up alot with old friends. rofl, we were talking about what happened in p6. there was one when carol threw one fake lizard at fiona, then she screamed. mr chandra heard the scream, then transferred carol to the back -.- also, mr ooi, everytime kena bullied.
and omfg, i've known enrico for 10 years! walau, i was terribly shocked when he told me ytd. i almost rolled off my bed.
and eew, i never go taekwondo today. i think they learned pattern today. whatthehell.
i'm so sorry for cancelling tmr's plan. i know you must be crying for not abling to go out with me tml. it's okay, i'll make it up to you next time. await my date :D