Memory... is the diary that we all carry about with us.-
Oscar Wilde, "The Importance of Being Earnest"
especially good ones,
ran through my mind when the mrt passed through admiralty mrt station today.
had i not scored badly for my math in P4, i'd never had known you guys, LOL
remember the days where all of us first met in P5, nice.
remember when we played captain's ball during pe, we hated the malays like mad, lol always spewing curses and mild vulgarities across when they 'fouled'.
remember we'd meet up sometimes at admiralty park and we played block catching at my block,
where we'd keep calling each other and ask what our current situations are,
we'd meet up to play badminton, cycle, run around sometimes and later return home for dinner.
remember we were always looking forward to chinese lessons for the teacher would bring us to the computer lab for 'lessons',
remember we'd always look forward to wednesdays, where the rice uncle would sell steamed eggs and otah,
okay, im the only one looking forward to it, LOLmany more things to remember, but i cant seem to recall them, HAHA
then we walked past wrps today, and wowie, everything's in orange and yellow!
not that im complaining about them, but the old look defo looks alot better, there's the feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel.
today, celebrated
ugly carrot's birthday!
nice bbq, but we spent about 2hour plus to start the fire.
our pro
fanning machine, sharmaine, working nonstop.
our pro
crab meat eater, carrot, eating crabsticks nonstop.
our pro
charcoal beater, beef, hitting the poor innocent charcoals nonstop.
our pro
all-rounder, simin, doing this and doing that nonstop.
our pro
screamers, jac, froggie, screaming nonstop,
well actually jac only, heh
our pro
guys, beef's boyf and her bro, striking and stoking the fire nonstop,
our pro
eater and food 'cooper', me, kept 'cooping' the chicken and hotdogs nonstop LOL
nice day spent outside, no rain but only
very strong wind, which explained why our fire took so long to start.
actually not long luh! 2hours only what! LOL
and the day ended with people's face caked in cake, but of cos pro me managed to evade them!
once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY
here's one nice picture for you!
(it's abit horrifying for some though)