did i mention that our whole week is filled with tests?
LOL cos if i did, i'd definitely have to say it again.
they're defo killing all of us!
seven tests in four days.
my godddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd.
imma going bonkers soonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
apart from the occasional music bank on kbs, nothing can ever brighten up my dull life.
okay, well maybe Kara's comeback can do the trick!
weowe! they're set to comeback after CNY, sweeeeeet.
i cant wait to see
nicole on tv again! :D
and, yup, CIP yesterday was fun, but warm like helllllllllllll.
our shirts were sticking to our back after everything ended.
but it was for a good cause though, some came up voluntarily to donate, nice!
kkk, off for lunch now, im hungryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
here's a picture of nicole's nice sneaks!
look at her awesome sneaks!