Omg, it's been such a long time since i've blogged!
And wow, next week's da bomb.
i can't believe how fast time flew past, i've just been discharged of my duties from Isetan weeks ago and BAM! our results are gonna come out to strangle us next Monday.
imagine the intensifying tensionnnnnnnn.
i'm having such a hard time deciding between poly or JC now!
initially it was poly atw!
now, I've been swayed by my tuition teacher to opt for the JC route.
entering is one thing, coping with the subjects is anotherrrrr.
this is even harder than studying for the exams!
then again, poly.
which course shall i pursue?
nowadays, i feel like I've split personalities LOL
awhile this, awhile that.
what is this?!
well, the only solution i can come up with now is;
to wait for Monday to arrive and face reality.
make it or break it, like the text said.
enough said.
I'm going to watch my koalas travel around the world.